Bonus Episode 5: How to talk with kids about Australian history

Clare Wright (left) and Anna Clark (right) recording this episode in the studio at University of Technology Sydney.


How do you teach and talk about Australian history with kids? 

This is a bonus episode for teachers, carers and parents featuring Professor Anna Clark and Professor Clare Wright.  

Teaching and talking about history with kids can be rewarding and challenging.  

From their experience studying and teaching history, Clare and Anna tackle questions like:  

  • How can kids in primary school work with history’s complexity?  

  • How can primary students consider the moral lessons of what they're learning?   

  • How do you encourage kids when they're interested in history but get some facts wrong?  

  • What’s one crucial thing to get across to kids about history? 

Anna and Clare look at a concern about saying the wrong thing when talking about Australian history, and look at how to do Reconciliation while teaching or talking about history with kids?  

And you'll hear why asking questions is an important part of how you talk about history, and how to use primary sources and historical objects to connect kids with the history of our country.  



  • Anna Clark is a Professor of History at the University of Technology, Sydney. 

  • Clare Wright is a Professor of History and Public Engagement at La Trobe University. 

Learning materials


Thannoid by Blue Dot Sessions.

How to cite this episode:

Clark, A., Curtis, J., Wright, C., & Jorgensen, B. (2024, June 11). ‘How to talk with kids about Australian history’. Hey History! (Season 1). UTS Impact Studios.


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